Sunday, September 30, 2007

last of september

Sunday evening, a cool breeze blowing, the full moon just past... it's great to think that autumn might actually arrive some day.
I know, this week may see us climbing back up to 80 degrees, but in my mind it's going to stay fairly cool, no humidity, crisp and clear.
I love fall, but it is bittersweet. My dad's birthday is in September, but we lost him to cancer in 2000. My mom's birthday is in October, and she just died in April. So the months do bring back a sense of loss, but many happy memories as well.
The leaves are starting to change -- and starting to fall as well.
My cats are starting to snuggle more in the evening now that the cool weather is here.
I actually brought in my plants this weekend during that wonderful Saturday weather. I still am trying to keep some of my mom's Christmas cacti alive and figured this weekend was the perfect time to bring them in from the chillier evenings.
I don't have a green thumb at all, but I'm trying.
So happy October, everyone. A month of fresh apples, fantastic leaves and, of course, Halloween.

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