Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sound Off

As you know, The Reporter provides Sound Off as a forum for people to express their views, briefly, without having to leave their names or take any responsibility, really, for their comments.
Some people view this as a wonderful part of their freedom of speech.
Others feel that if you want to express an opinion, you should have to write a letter or column, and have your name attached to it.
I know how I feel, but I won't go into that right now.
I do wish I knew how more of the public actually felt about this column.
Feedback seems to indicate that people either LOVE it or HATE it... seldom is the reaction lukewarm.
Any thoughts? I'd love to hear what other people think .. and if they ever use Sound Off to get their point out there.


Anonymous said...

Nona- What I dislike about Sound-off is that it is a forum for cowards and truth is not a necessary podium. Often, Sound-Off will print a bold face lie and it is publish and circulated- two criterion for defamation. For example, Last week someone called Sound-Off and had published that "Dan O'Connell (North Wales) should stop suing the borough and that his comments about expensive litigation in North Wales were 'humorous'. Dan O'Connell has never sued North Wales Borough. Shouldn't calls like these at least be investigated if the calls state more than personal opinions on a subject? Quite a few people have sued North Wales in the last few years- all have won- all have been paid hefty settlements. Recently the Borough has been in lengthy litigation with it's police department and police chief- once again, they lost and it will cost them alot to fix what they have done to others. The litigation in the Borough is very personal and very political- only a few are willing to fight them back for their targeted harrassment. The money they have paid out for litigation and the huge amounts paid for attorneys is staggering. What the public needs is a full accounting to the citizens of the legal bills and settlement/restitution cost since 2000. The police tab alone will shock them and the money Joe Rudolph has made - and yet they continue to appeal, appeal and appeal. They have paid more to attorneys than what it would have taken to end grievances and disputes. Sorry for the length of this email- but, I am concerned and often angry at lies printed in Sound-Off and what I believe is the Reporter's duty to check these calls out before publication. Donna Mengel

Anonymous said...

I like the sound off column. It is interesting to read different peoples opinions on things happening around us.
I think that the only people that don't like it are the ones who perceive that they are being picked on.
We in North Wales know "Dan" didn't sue the boro, the puppet master did, and shes still pulling the strings.

Anonymous said...

Please check out and report on the Pa. Labor Relations Board recent ruling. The web site is as follows

Anonymous said...

Donna Mengel and her husband Dan O'Connell are cowards. Everyone sees through them and their political ploys. Keep Sound Off alive!