Monday, October 29, 2007

a bit of a change

I haven't posted for a bit because of a trip out of state -- literally out of Pennsylvania and also out of the stress of the everyday.
Vermont is my haven, it seems, for many reasons.
Sometimes the trips are for vacations, sometimes for much-needed "rests" and sometimes for more personal reasons than need to be relayed.
I won't go into all the reasons for this most recent trip, other than to say it was needed on many levels and for more than just myself.
We all know how quickly time away seems to race by. Can anyone out there relate? It doesn't have to be a trip to Vermont or even away from your home; sometimes a multitude of factors collide and make a "retreat" necessary.
During my travels I witnessed everything from a man trying to escape the rain by wearing a plastic bag on his head, to another pleading for food at an interstate exit, to a work crew trying to figure out how to "tame" a huge boulder that had tumbled down the side of a mountain.
Wonder if anyone else has a tale to tell?

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