Thursday, July 17, 2014

My sweet Domino

I am praying for a quick recovery for Domino, my so-sweet kitty who doesn't deserve to be sick. He's in the hospital tonight, feeling lousy, hooked up to an IV and sporting this lovely blue and pink e-collar.

But this story started several months ago.  Domino was diagnosed with diabetes in April, when he simply was supposed to be checking into the vet hospital for a teeth cleaning. But the blood and urine tests painted a different picture, and so the work to get a good balance with insulin began. The dental procedure had to be put on hold.
Then last weekend he stopped eating, so I couldn't inject his insulin.
Monday morning found him back at the vet,  and suddenly the dental -- and lots of extractions -- took center stage. Infection was taking hold in his mouth and it wasn't a pretty picture.
He came home Monday night, but just didn't bounce back. He barely was eating, the pain meds made him a little loopy and he just seemed "off." He did have his own "suite," bunking in the master bath/bedroom with room service included.
Then Thursday morning I was greeted by drops of blood on the bathroom floor. I feared a possible urinary blockage, not uncommon in male cats. So he accompanied me to work again, but it wasn't a UTI. No, he had a huge abscess lurking under his tail. Bloody, skin sloughing off… Enough said.
So he's in ICU, having the nasty area cleaned, receiving IV fluids and plenty of attention.
Diabetics are much more prone to infections, but this is just so unfair for this gentle soul.
Say a prayer that soon he'll be back to his loving, silly self -- as in the photo below.
Get well soon, Domino!!

1 comment:

Martha said...

Get well quick sweet kitty.