Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December!

There's something about flipping that calendar page and realizing you're in the last month of the year. I'm always hit by nostalgia, disbelief and, yes, a bit of panic.
How in the heck did we get to December? Where did another year go? I barely remember to write 2011 on stuff and soon it will be 2012!
Not to mention the fact that I haven't done a thing to address the holidays, other than work with my daughter to put up our Christmas tree and decorations.
But I'll think about that later.
Meanwhile, I'll try to post, as we go through December, some of our Christmas decorations. Some are old, some not so old; some are weirder than others; some hold very special meaning.
So I hope you enjoy. Maybe others will join in and share theirs, too!

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