Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Day Without A Woman...

Today is International Women's Day, and for good reason this year women and their allies are moving in solidarity to mark "A Day Without A Woman."

The goal is to act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people by observing a day of economic solidarity.
Many women did not go to their jobs. Those who had to work wore red and refused to spend money unless they were supporting a local, woman-owned business.

Others participated in demonstrations to speak out for equal rights,  equal pay and the right to have total say over their own bodies.
With a president who quite obviously does not respect women -- who bragged about grabbing them by the pussy, who is seeking to defund Planned Parenthood and has already affected those in other countries by his actions against even providing information on abortions -- it is quite obvious that women cannot be silent.

Nor should any self-respecting man.

We must continue to take action, we must support each other, we must make our voices heard.

I marched in January in Doylestown, where more than 2,000 people showed up.
I have "huddled" at a community gathering and that group is mapping out more actions and ways to make changes.

I have called, written and emailed my senators and U.S. representative.

It can be exhausting and it can make you feel defeated at times.
Sen. Toomey in particular is very arrogant and unresponsive to calls.

But I won't give up. I will keep speaking out, as we all must.

To do nothing, to remain silent, is to give consent to the horrors that are being perpetrated on us by a mentally unfit, totally unqualified president. And the GOP senators and representatives who go along with him simply to push through their agendas are no better.

What will you say when your children or grandchildren ask you what you did to stop this madness?
Speak out, take action -- don't be fooled by the insanity that is Trump.

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