Monday, September 19, 2016

Thank you, Ron Howard!

I can't fully describe how awesome it was to see "Eight Days A Week" at the Ambler Theater on Sunday.
Having been a diehard Beatlemaniac since 1963 -- gulp, yes, that long -- I had long ago acquired their music on vinyl, tape and CDs. I still have my posters, magazines, buttons and other memorabilia. 

Yes, my walls still boast framed movie posters, my ticket from when I saw them in 1966 in Philadelphia and a great photo shot by Sam Psoras and given to me by his son,  former Reporter photographer Mark Psoras.

But my great thanks go out to Ron Howard, who quite obviously worked tirelessly to produce this documentary. I have to admit that it was sad to see how the incessant touring for those few years when they became the Fab Four took such a toll on them in so many ways. 
Of course their decision to stop touring opened them up to producing such an awesome array of music.
"Eight Days A Week" brought back those glorious Beatlemaniac days, when my bedroom was covered with posters and I couldn't wait for the next album to hit the stores. Their music affected my life in so many ways, and even in my senior citizen days, I'm still a fan.
My daughter and I even did our mom/daughter dance to "Your Mother Should Know" at her wedding!
I know I'll watch this flick again on Hulu and I'm sure it will one day be available on BlueRay, but it was monumental to see it on the big screen. And a bonus 30 minutes of remastered concert coverage of the Shea Stadium show was fantastic.
Yes, I'm true to The Beatles forever. 
Here for your enjoyment are a few of my "memories."

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